

1-Year-Old Dies Playing with Oven After Being Left Home with Young Siblings(米国のテキサス州ヒューストンで1歳児がオーブンの事故で死亡。)

A 19-month-old girl died while playing with a stove this week after being left alone in her Texas apartment, police say. J'Zyra Thompson was found severely burned beside a stove in the Houston home, police say, along with her three siblings aged five and under. J'Zyra's mother reportedly told officers at the scene that she'd been at work during the incident.

原文と異なる意味になっている可能性がありますのでご注意くださいませ。<日本語訳> 今週テキサスのアパートで、生後19か月の女の子がオーブンによって殺されたと警察は言う。ジェイザイラ=トンプソンはヒューストンの自宅のオーブンの傍で酷いやけどの姿で見つかった。

while playing with
stove:名 コンロ
sibling(s):名 兄弟(達)